First Weekend of 2025 in The Sperrins (Glenshane)

First Weekend of 2025 in The Sperrins (Glenshane)

The Sperrins are brilliant at any time of the year, but given the weather forecast, I simply had to get there. The pictures were all taken not far from the Ponderosa bar (the highest pub in Ireland) from a side road off the main road ('Glenshane Pass') leading into a forest area.

A very bleak, but beautiful landscape. I stuck to what I found to be the main tracks, but I wanted to keep walking, even though the light was already quite low for around noon. I met a few people out walking with their dogs. If you need fresh air, then this is place to get it.

I'll definitely be back again. I explored around for nearly an hour, and decided to make my way back to the car as the weather was really closing in. More walking and photo opportunities for another day.

I could just about see the Ponderosa, which was just too tempting to miss. A warm welcome awaited us, before sitting down to some great food in front of a roaring fire. A perfect Sunday.


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